Welcome to my online gallery.


I plan to keep this site up to date to share my work, but also as a personal logbook of my work evolution over the years. Just for me it is nice to see some evolution in my portfolio, limit yourself to the ‘BestOf’ page for a quick impression or visit to the archive page for a quick view of all the presented works.

In my day job I am a radio communication engineer trying to improve the way we communicate via Satellites. Since childhood, I always loved drawing and painting as a hobby. A few years ago I reactivated that sleeping hobby and registered first at the drawing academy of Wilrijk and two years ago at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp.

PhiDel What?

PhiDelArt is obviously linked to my initials. But there is more, it connects to Fidel-ity. And exactly that fidelity to reality is what I try to achieve in my work.


  • Born in the seventies,
  • Kid from the eighties,
  • Graduated in the nineties,
  • Married in the 00s,
  • Family men in the 10s,
  • Now, improving my art skills (almost) every day.


Philippe Delbeke
Antwerpen, Belgium

Questions, remarks, compliments… mail me.